Monday, April 16, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Korea trip
此次的5天韓國之旅, 雖說團費才15200, 但也多花了1萬元, 真是破財! 安慰自己說是生日週犒賞自己, 自費滑雪2小時就付了台幣1900, 當團員去做滑雪初體驗, 我就自己去買纜車票, 全是韓文看不懂, 多虧外國人翻譯, 這是我滑過最簡單的雪場, 只有一個纜車可以坐, 兩三條滑雪道, 沒風景可以看, 所以拼命滑練習技術, 雪很粘, 可能是人造雪的緣故吧, 上下滑了10幾趟, 總覺得賠本!
去愛寶樂園是最值得的, 因為那天剛好結束寒流, 白天還出太陽, 好在沒答應導遊改去室內的樂天樂園, 沒膽量去玩刺激的, 全去玩8歲小朋友的遊戲, 像海盜船, 地球村等等, 倒是拍了不少照片.
在韓國體驗了SPA, 可以用震撼教育來形容, 裸身女子大方的走來走去, 還互相擦背, 也嘗試了有名的汗蒸幕, 是用乾蒸的, 像是土窯雞, 累了就跟著韓國人一起平躺在大理石地板上休息.
本想這次去韓國要買高跟鞋, 但逛了東大門和黎大女人街數十間鞋店, 樣式並不如台灣漂亮, 價錢也比台灣貴, 最後放棄了, 倒是The Face Shop裡的彩妝比台灣便宜.
有一晚跑去坐地鐵, 買了最基本的票900韓元, 相當台幣32元, 出站時要補100韓元, 因為超出範圍了, 首爾地鐵路線之密集, 範圍比台北大5倍, 不過下次來自助旅行也難不倒我, 因為我已全研究好路線了. 跑去黎泰院喝一杯, 體驗一下首爾的夜生活, 一瓶可樂娜居然要台幣280元, 不過他們不是越晚越熱鬧, 而是越晚人越少, 應該不少人跑去趕最後一班地鐵, 因為計程車會比台灣貴2倍.
之前在網路上爬文, 聽到許多網友在講韓國的大男人主義, 暴力傾向, 民族優越感等等, 我並沒有感受到, 倒是見識了他們的環保, 飯店不提供一次性使用的牙刷牙膏, 所有餐飲業不提供衛生竹筷, 免洗碗等, 路上就算塞車, 也聽不到喇叭聲. 韓國人愛用國貨到Nokia, Motoroa手機攻不進來, 路上看到的盡是韓國國產車.
最可惜的莫過於2006年的跨年, 無法在首爾清川溪和韓國人一起倒數, 不過在飯店裡和團員一起倒數2次, 一次韓國的時間, 一次台灣的時間, 玩牌搞笑倒也印象深刻, 連領隊也一起下來玩, 還一直搞笑. 我們此團有27人, 有3個家庭帶小朋友, 其他都是年輕人, 不過是個愛睡團, 只有我一直向導遊發問, 有關教育, 社會, 兩性工作機會等等. 韓國會不會再來呢? 我想觀光一次就夠了, 下次就純粹購物或滑雪吧!
Monday, November 13, 2006
I am waiting for you to give me life
I fould this song also from someone's blog, the singer's name is Amr Diab from Egypt. When I was in Egypt in Feburday of 2006, our local tour guide said he is very famous not only in Middle Eastern . Even I don't understand Arabic, but I can listen it over and over again.
Lyrics in English :
I see your eyes, and I feel like I know it
let me express it passionately, don't be shy
as if you are with me, we lived a life together
within the same picture in my heart since ages
years I been dreaming of you
I call you, hold me close
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
you are the best gift
God send it to me
you'r the moon at my nights
There is a lot to reveal
O the world changed in my eyes
I met your love, and in a second I fell for it
years I been dreaming of you
I call you, hold me close
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I love you, and I will keep saying it
before I say it out loud
come and hold me
let's say it together
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
Lyrics in English :
I see your eyes, and I feel like I know it
let me express it passionately, don't be shy
as if you are with me, we lived a life together
within the same picture in my heart since ages
years I been dreaming of you
I call you, hold me close
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
you are the best gift
God send it to me
you'r the moon at my nights
There is a lot to reveal
O the world changed in my eyes
I met your love, and in a second I fell for it
years I been dreaming of you
I call you, hold me close
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I love you, and I will keep saying it
before I say it out loud
come and hold me
let's say it together
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
I missed you, I missed you
years we haven't been together
I haven't been living for days
I am waiting for you to give me life
Friday, November 3, 2006
On a Lebanese night
Recently I make a friend from Israel, so I am very curious and go to Internet to search about history of Jew and Israel, and after that I know there was a war between Israel and Lebanon in this summer, also I know many good belly dancers are from Lebanon, that's why I want to find more about Lebanon, I found this song from someone's blog, I spent a lot of time to search where to download this song, finally I find it. This song really touch my heart deeply, I would like to share with you.
Most of civilians don't want to have a war, this song sing by a Lebanese singer Elissa and a Scotland singer Chris De Burgh, you will love it and listen over and over again.
由黎巴嫩歌手Elissa和英國歌手Chris De Burgh合作演繹的歌曲《黎巴嫩之夜》,傳遍了全世界,人們彷彿從他們的歌聲裡感受到了那段飽受戰火的黎巴嫩歷史。
Lyrics in English :
It was late in a Lebanese restaurant, in the heat of a Lebanese night,
There was dancing, people were singing,
She came in from the garden outside,
And in her eyes I saw the stars,
And I felt something happen in my heart;
Then I knew I was going to meet her in the heat of a Lebanese night,
And the girl inside the woman, who came over to sit by my side,
And when she smiled, the whole world stopped,
It was then I heard the echoes of a child;
* And did you go to your bed with a sweet lullaby,
And the sound of the guns in the night,
And did you dance in the fields, did you run for your life,
From the hell that came down from the sky?
On a Lebanese night, on a Lebanese night; *
We went down to the edge of the water,
by the light of a Lebanese dawn,
And she told me all the stories of her beautiful land in the war,
Her tears fell down, the sun came up,
And I saw again the young girl in her eyes;
(Repeat *)
All of my life, all I have known,
Only a place where peace cannot go;
All over the world, the gift from before,
Nothing is left for the children of war;
(Repeat *)
I will be waiting, in the Lebanon.
Most of civilians don't want to have a war, this song sing by a Lebanese singer Elissa and a Scotland singer Chris De Burgh, you will love it and listen over and over again.
由黎巴嫩歌手Elissa和英國歌手Chris De Burgh合作演繹的歌曲《黎巴嫩之夜》,傳遍了全世界,人們彷彿從他們的歌聲裡感受到了那段飽受戰火的黎巴嫩歷史。
Lyrics in English :
It was late in a Lebanese restaurant, in the heat of a Lebanese night,
There was dancing, people were singing,
She came in from the garden outside,
And in her eyes I saw the stars,
And I felt something happen in my heart;
Then I knew I was going to meet her in the heat of a Lebanese night,
And the girl inside the woman, who came over to sit by my side,
And when she smiled, the whole world stopped,
It was then I heard the echoes of a child;
* And did you go to your bed with a sweet lullaby,
And the sound of the guns in the night,
And did you dance in the fields, did you run for your life,
From the hell that came down from the sky?
On a Lebanese night, on a Lebanese night; *
We went down to the edge of the water,
by the light of a Lebanese dawn,
And she told me all the stories of her beautiful land in the war,
Her tears fell down, the sun came up,
And I saw again the young girl in her eyes;
(Repeat *)
All of my life, all I have known,
Only a place where peace cannot go;
All over the world, the gift from before,
Nothing is left for the children of war;
(Repeat *)
I will be waiting, in the Lebanon.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Love is silly
I went to watch the opera Turandot, the story was in Peking, China, but it is a Italy opera, so most of them weared a mask.
The story was about if any prince seeking to marry Princess Turandot must answer three riddles - and if he fails, he will be executed. A handsome youth, Prince Calaf, smitten with the princess's beauty, but Turandot has turned against all men, determining that none shall ever possess her.
She poses her first question: what is born each night and dies each dawn? Hope, Calaf answers correctly. Unnerved, Turandot continues: what flickers red and warm like a flame, yet is not fire? Blood, replies Calaf after a moment's pause. Shaken, Turandot delivers her third riddle: what is like ice but burns? A tense silence prevails until Calaf cries Turandot! The crowd gives thanks to the triumph. Calaf generously offers Turandot a riddle of his own: if she can learn his name by dawn, he will forfeit his life.
Immediately a proclamation is made: on pain of death, no one in Peking shall sleep until Turandot learns the stranger's name. The soldiers drag in a slave girl, Liu and his father, Timur and threaten Calaf with daggers. Liu cries out that she alone knows the stranger's identity. Though tortured, she remains silent and only reveals Love as the secret of such endurance. With the torture intensified, Liu snatches a dagger from a soldier and kills herself.
Turandot remains alone to confront Calaf, who at length takes her in his arms, forcing her to kiss him. Feeling physical passion for the first time, Turandot weeps. The prince, now sure of his victory, tells her his name. As the people hail the emperor, Turandot approaches his throne, announcing that his name is - Love.
When I saw that slave girl, Liu died for her master for love, I cried. I don't understand why many princes would died by Turandot's beauty. Even when Liu died for him, Prince Calaf still want to win Turandot's heart. love is silly
The story was about if any prince seeking to marry Princess Turandot must answer three riddles - and if he fails, he will be executed. A handsome youth, Prince Calaf, smitten with the princess's beauty, but Turandot has turned against all men, determining that none shall ever possess her.
She poses her first question: what is born each night and dies each dawn? Hope, Calaf answers correctly. Unnerved, Turandot continues: what flickers red and warm like a flame, yet is not fire? Blood, replies Calaf after a moment's pause. Shaken, Turandot delivers her third riddle: what is like ice but burns? A tense silence prevails until Calaf cries Turandot! The crowd gives thanks to the triumph. Calaf generously offers Turandot a riddle of his own: if she can learn his name by dawn, he will forfeit his life.
Immediately a proclamation is made: on pain of death, no one in Peking shall sleep until Turandot learns the stranger's name. The soldiers drag in a slave girl, Liu and his father, Timur and threaten Calaf with daggers. Liu cries out that she alone knows the stranger's identity. Though tortured, she remains silent and only reveals Love as the secret of such endurance. With the torture intensified, Liu snatches a dagger from a soldier and kills herself.
Turandot remains alone to confront Calaf, who at length takes her in his arms, forcing her to kiss him. Feeling physical passion for the first time, Turandot weeps. The prince, now sure of his victory, tells her his name. As the people hail the emperor, Turandot approaches his throne, announcing that his name is - Love.
When I saw that slave girl, Liu died for her master for love, I cried. I don't understand why many princes would died by Turandot's beauty. Even when Liu died for him, Prince Calaf still want to win Turandot's heart. love is silly
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